Sunday, May 2, 2010


It took us four days to name our daughter. Strange only in that we chose our son's name years before he was born.

I think about their names sometimes and the way they were chosen and whether or not we made the right decision. The fact is, their names suit them. Much as I wanted to call my daughter Margaret - Maggie, for short - she's not a Margaret or a Maggie. (We've her father to thank for that save.) And, while I still love Joshua and all the reasons we had for choosing that name, it's not the right name for my son.

My characters are also like this. No matter how they get named, be it an inspiration that comes while I'm composing, or a name I've researched, by the time I call them a specific something - that's who they are.

Usually, it's not a problem, but lurking in the back of my head, and sometimes on paper, is a guy I've come to love. He's got a story to tell even if I can't find all the words to tell it just yet. His name is Donnie Monk. Most of his friends call him Monk. Trouble is, he looks nothing like the nebbish TV detective with OCD and an anxiety disorder who just happens to have the same surname. And try as I might, I can't get Donnie to change his name. I've suggested a different spelling: Munk, Monch, Munck - nope, Donnie and I are having none of it. We like Monk.

Tony Shalhoub as Adrian Monk who is so 
NOT Donnie Monk

I've got a sneaking suspicion if I tried to pitch this story, an editor would insist upon a name change. So, what's a writer to do? 

I've got no answers on this one, but I'm really hoping I get to debate it with an editor someday. 'Course, by that time, Monk the TV show may be a distant memory. See, Donnie, told ya not to worry.


d said...

LOL. Yeah. I wouldn't worry about it.

It's funny how character's really latch onto their names. The M.C. in my novel, Shelter didn't have an offical name. I called her "Molly" until I thought of something better (more Irish I was thinkin') but she absolutely became Molly and so Molly she stayed. Although her full name is Mary Margaret Rose Keaton --which is Irish enough for me.

Hang in there Donnie!

Mary said...

It is funny how they latch on to these names and it seems you can't shake them off. I like Molly - sounds very Irish to me and it's a nickname!! I like those. :-)

Donnie says 'thanks'. Me, too!