Monday, May 17, 2010

Mos Eisley Cantina

Before we got married, we used to drive around back country roads and end up in odd little diners like this one. The food is always incredibly greasy but so good! They are populated by a motley crew of townsfolk who all seem to know one another well enough to say 'hello' but look at you as if you're a recent visitor from the Twilight Zone.

You have to know my guy to appreciate the twinkle he sometimes gets in his eye. I spotted it right off. He poured cream into his coffee, smiled at me and said, "they have pie." I cracked up. We've been married twenty-two years. We get each other's humor.

We talked about a lot of things today: songwriting, teaching, politics, the fact that Han shot first. We made up stories about the locals. Yeah. We're silly like that sometimes.

Earlier we met with 'the team' to write Speedy Pete's IEP. It's always an arduous process. SP's getting older. Today we were asked how we envision his post-academic future.

Whoa. Heavy-duty.

I'm not sure how to answer it. He wants to be a marine biologist. Am I supposed to say he can't? Am I supposed to tell them that he'll never go to college? Write him off before he even has a chance? Decide for him what he's supposed to be?

They must be thinking I'm someone else's mother.

We didn't give them an answer.

At the diner, we talked and laughed and recharged. It was a good day.


d said...

Glad you and D had a good day. Being silly and laughing is such a good thing (hear that, Martha?)

I hated those kinds of questions at IEP meetings. I'm not sure *envisioning* is a good thing ...well, maybe it is but the implied or outright judgment about what you might envision ISN'T.

Speedy Pete's a kid. It's great he wants to be a marine biologist. We need marine biologists. I'm going to hope he can do it.

Mary said...

Thanks, it was a fun day. A free day. We don't get enough of those.

IEP meetings. Bleh. 'nuff said.

I hope SP ends up being what he wants to be. That's every parent's prayer for every one of their children. I'll cling to it for as long as I can.