Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I blame my father.

Not that he had a lot of silly names for me, he really only had one, and it wasn't even all that silly, but he did have a lot of other silly sayings he used to direct at me along with a wealth of affection. Things I can't even try to spell, that's how invented they were.

In that same spirit of silliness, I nicknamed the dogs, my husband, our relationship, the canoe, our kids.

I use nicknames often enough that the animals respond to them as readily as they do their true names. (For a cat, that's saying something.) Tish-Tosh, Snoo-Boo, Smoreo, Peebs.

I called my son "Speedy Pete" long before he began actually traveling at the speed of light, and my daughter "Peach Fuzz" for the downy soft fluff that covered her head on the day she was born.

Recently, I've been playing around with nicknames for my characters. Not all of them. Some of them are too nasty to merit a nickname. But, for others, I think it might be a way of fleshing them out, of giving them an intimate history with another, of showing the reader a side of them that might be otherwise hidden or secret.

I think this bears some looking into.

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