Sunday, May 16, 2010

Say "Cheese"!

One day last summer, I was taking a picture of the hummingbirds that frequent my garden every July and I dropped my camera on the deck and smashed the lens. Ouch.

A few months ago, in a master stroke of genius, I left hubby's camera on my desk. Speedy Pete, my wild tornado of a child, used it as a percussion instrument and smashed its lens. Ouch.

With my man not working, I've had to wait for a new camera. The only reason we decided to get a new one was because Peach Fuzz is having her dance recital next weekend and I need to take her picture. So, with mom's day as an excuse, we bought this:

It's a simple point and shoot with a few bells and whistles, but she'll do. I'm not looking to be the next Ansel Adams, I just don't want my babies to grow up without me capturing every moment.


d said...

oooh, camera-ness. I'm envious. Our camera is fussy and not operating quite right but even when it's perfect I take sucky pics, so I leave it to A.

Maybe you'll share some of your photos here (I'm hoping.)

Mary said...

I'm determined to complete a 365 project this year, so yup, I'll be posting pics as I go along.

I take sucky pics also! I'm hoping to improve. We'll see...