Saturday, March 12, 2011


Life is spinning out of control lately. I hate when it does that.

It's been my experience that March usually comes in like a lamb and exits with a roar. I'm not looking forward to that.

I've a 70,000 word story that won't come together, no matter how hard I try to beat it into submission. And why in god's name did I think I could write a sci-fi love story to begin with? Really. A science fiction love story. Yeah. Maybe if I set it in rural New England I'll have better luck?

Anyway. That's what's on my mind.


Natalie Bowers said...

I'm currently writing a sci-fi love story! Great minds, eh? Honestly though, I'm finding it pretty tough going ... Not sure why!

You know, if you fancy sending any of your chapters my way, I'd be happy to have a look. I've got some time on my hands at the moment so I shouldn't be too unreliable when it comes to getting back to you! ;-)

Mary said...

Thanks, Nat. It's in no shape for anyone's eyes but my own. Let me know when yours is ready to read, I'd love to take a look.